
20 Relatable Comics by “Bed_time Comics”

Hey there!

When we finally have some free time after work, many of us turn to Netflix or comics to unwind and relax. If you’re a comic lover, you know that finding a good one can turn a bad day into a good one! It’s the perfect way to clear your mind and start fresh for the rest of your day.

Speaking of good comics, we want to share an artist with you who creates relatable and funny comics for her fans. What makes her stand out is that she chooses to remain anonymous, which is pretty cool. She’s from Hong Kong and her comic style is simply adorable.

She goes by the name “Bed_time Comics” and currently has a following of only 524 people. While she may not have a huge audience, her comics are absolutely fabulous! Let’s take a look at some of her best comics and see if you can relate and enjoy them as much as we do.

Credit: Bed_time Comics

More info: Instagram





















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