
Hilarious Comics from ‘True Butt False’: 25 Must-See

Who doesn’t love a good laugh? But let’s face it, not all of us are fans of innocent knock knock jokes. Luckily, there are talented artists out there who can tickle our funny bones with their quirky and amusing comics. One such artist is the creative mastermind behind a series of hilarious and irreverent strips, which always manage to surprise readers with unexpected endings.

If you’re in need of some joy and laughter, then you’re in luck, because we’ve got an amazing artist to introduce you to. Their Instagram account, called “True Butt False,” has gained a following of over 23.2k fans. This webcomic series is the brainchild of two artists, Besnik Spahijaj and Michael Jakobi, who have collaborated to bring us these hilarious comics.

We’ve put together a selection of their best comics for you to enjoy. We hope that you’ll find them just as amusing as we did!

Credit: True butt False

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