
Artist’s 25 hilarious illustrations make people LOL

Hey there! Who doesn’t love a good laugh? One of the best ways to relax and unwind is by reading comics that are full of humor. And if you’re looking for some hilarious comics, you’re in luck because we’re about to introduce you to a Russian artist who creates funny comics that are sure to make you smile.

His name is Stan Korabelnikov and he’s the mastermind behind the webcomic series “Proidemtes“. In his comics, he features cute animals, food, plants, and other inanimate objects in funny scenarios. Through these playful comics, he shares his random ideas and thoughts about life.

However, one of the challenging things about comics is conveying emotions and hidden meanings, especially when they have double meanings. But Stan welcomes his 7.6k fans on Instagram with a beautiful line that says, “Sometimes it’s funny here. Comics drawn by me and seen by a wonderful person which is you.”

We’ve gathered some of his funniest comics below for you to check out. Take a look and get ready to laugh out loud!



























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