
Artist depicts internal struggles through ghosts in 25 comics

Hey there!

We all have times when we feel like we’re in a tug-of-war with our thoughts and emotions. It can be really tough to make a decision when we’re feeling conflicted, and it can leave us feeling anxious and unfocused.

One person who knows what that’s like is artist Estela Ribeiro Kuntz. She creates comics that explore her inner conflicts and thoughts, using three ghosts with distinct personalities to represent the different voices in her head.

Through her art, Estela found a way to express her feelings and connect with others who might be going through similar struggles. Her comics have gained a huge following on Instagram, where people can relate to the situations she portrays.

If you’re curious, check out some of her illustrations in the following section. You might find that they speak to you too!

Credit: Larkness

More info: Instagram | Facebook


























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