
Cooper Lit Comics’ Top 20 Dark Gems: A Comic Collection to Brighten Your Day

In today’s world, mental health has emerged as a crucial topic deserving of attention. Issues like anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem are all too common, and it’s important to openly discuss them.

Fortunately, comics have played a significant role in making you feel more at ease with your own anxiety and have sparked your passion for promoting positive mental health.

It’s practically impossible to scroll through social media without encountering comics. Some delve into important life topics, while others offer a lighthearted take on various situations. However, there are times when we simply want to unwind and have a good laugh without getting too deep into things.

That’s where “Cooper Lit Comics” come into play. This talented artist, known as Cooper, has an Instagram account filled with delightful comics that are sure to tickle your funny bone. With an impressive following of 35.9k on Instagram, Cooper’s dark humor has found its way into the hearts of many.

Take a moment to explore the gallery below and indulge in some comic enjoyment!

Credit: Cooper Lit Comics

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