
Unexpected Turns: 20 Quirky Jenkins Comics

Hey there! As time goes on, life tends to get more serious and comes with new challenges every day. It can be tough to balance responsibilities, work long hours in an office, and still find time to spend with loved ones. But if you’re able to handle all of this and keep going, it’s a great sign that you’re moving in the right direction. Just stay focused on your goals and never give up.

If you’re looking for a fun distraction from the daily grind, check out “The Jenkins Comics!” These comics are created by a talented and mysterious artist who goes by the name of Jenkins. They follow the lives of three brothers – Barney, Butch, and Junior Jenkins – in a witty and clever way. Jenkins has gained over 83,700 followers on Instagram in just one year thanks to his unique style.

Between 2016 and 2019, Jenkins created around 600 comic strips featuring the Jenkins brothers, and he’s still making more! While the creative process isn’t easy, the artist says it’s worth it to see fans enjoy his work. You can find some of his best comics in the section below. So scroll down and check them out!

Credit: The Jenkins Comics

More info: Instagram | Website

























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