
Comic Depictions of Girls’ Relatable Struggles: 20 Hilarious Artistic Creations

Women play a crucial role in all aspects of society, but there are certain situations that particularly resonate with them. It’s no secret that being a woman in today’s world comes with its fair share of challenges.

However, comic artist Amby Vaingankar from India manages to find humor in these everyday struggles and beautifully portrays them through her webcomic called ‘Gotta_sketchum_all.’ Amby’s comics, while hilarious, accurately depict her daily experiences, her relationship with her mother, and even her long-distance boyfriend.

With over 4 years of experience as an illustrator, she has gathered an impressive following of 129,000 on Instagram. From the dilemma of choosing the perfect outfit to clever ways of saving money, we’ve gathered the latest comic gems from Amby just for you. Rest assured, every girl will find them relatable. Take a peek and enjoy the laughter!

More Info: Instagram





















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