
Woman Artist Illustrates 20 Relatable Comics on Daily Challenges

Hey, let’s talk about being a woman! It’s no secret that being a woman is tough, and we face daily challenges that can feel overwhelming. But, what other choice do we have but to keep going? That’s why I love turning these struggles into funny and relatable comments that other women can enjoy and laugh at. And I’m not the only one – there’s another amazing artist named Dre who creates hilarious comics about her own daily struggles as a woman.

Let me introduce you to Dre’s webcomic, “Random Ninja Kitty“. Don’t let the name fool you – it’s not actually about a ninja kitty! It’s just as random and silly as the name suggests, which is why Dre chose to add two extra words to the title at random. Her comics feature friends, cats, possums, skeletons, and even a very sad brain, all with a humorous and relatable twist.

Dre’s comics aren’t just about herself, either. She often includes her friends and animals in her works, covering everything from fashion choices to deeper issues like shyness and overthinking – things that we don’t always talk about in public. Her comics have gained a huge following on Instagram, with over 97,000 fans who love her unique humor and witty jokes.

Below, you’ll find some of Dre’s most recent and relatable comics. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Credit: Random Ninja Kitty

More info: Instagram





















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