
Life in Numbers: Comics Delve into Statistics

One thing we might not have really thought about as a result of the pandemic is how graphs, charts, and statistics have become a much bigger part of our everyday lives. They’re everywhere we look, from the news to online platforms.

Raf Schoenmaekers, a digital artist from Belgium who used to be an engineer, noticed this shift and saw a chance to blend his two passions: art and statistics. He discovered his own little niche in the world of statistics, recognizing how they are often used (and sometimes misused) in science, media, and politics.

Initially, Raf had intended to stay away from current events in his artwork. However, a few months after he started his series, the world was hit by the Corona pandemic, and statistics flooded the media. It was impossible for him to resist touching on the topic, albeit in a delicate manner.

Reflecting on this, he shared, “I couldn’t help but gently incorporate the subject into my comics.”

In summary, Raf Schoenmaekers found a unique way to combine art and statistics, driven by the increased presence of graphs and statistics in our lives due to the pandemic.

He noticed how these figures are often used and sometimes misused in various fields, and although he had originally intended to avoid current events, he found himself addressing the topic of COVID-19 through his comics, approaching it with sensitivity.


















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