
20 Funny and Heartwarming Comics by Cartoonist Sam Pratt

Hey there! If you’re feeling a bit bored with your regular routine and want to do something that makes you happy, we’ve got your back! We’ve got some awesome comics that are sure to add some flavor to your day.

Let us introduce you to the webcomic series, “Rustled Jimmies Comics,” created by the amazing artist, Sam Pratt. Sam doesn’t reveal much about himself, but his comics feature these adorable little chubby characters with cute butts. Sam’s passion has always been to create cartoons that make people laugh, and he’s been drawing since he was young.

Originally, Rustled Jimmies was just a single badly drawn comic about polar bears, but now it’s become a whole series! Sam’s already entertained more than 33,400 users on Instagram with his comics. In his comics, the characters don’t wear shirts, which some people find gross, but Sam’s tried drawing shirts on them before, and it’s just too difficult! The characters’ shoulders are too close to their faces, and it looks weird.

If you want to know more, check out some of his best illustrations! We promise that spending time reading these comics will help you forget your troubles and take you to a land of enjoyment!

Credit: Rustled Jimmies Comics

More info: Instagram | Website | Facebook





















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