
Hilarious Comics Show the Realities of Living with a Cat

Hey there! It seems like a lot of people would love to have a furry feline friend to call their own. If you’ve never had a cat before, you might think they’re just cute and cuddly creatures who sleep all day and munch on kibble. However, cat owners can tell you that it’s not always easy – there are definitely some challenges that come with the territory.

But don’t worry, there’s an artist out there who knows exactly what it’s like to live with a cat. Cody Stone Stowe, the creator of the hilarious “WeFlaps Comics” webcomic, perfectly captures the ups and downs of life with his furry companion. He’s been sharing his comics online for years, and they’ve become so popular that he’s been able to make a career out of his passion for art.

Even if you’re not a huge fan of cats, you’ll still find Cody’s comics entertaining. He depicts all the little moments that he and his cat Coral experience on a daily basis – from playing and relaxing to bird-watching and eating. Who knows, after checking out his comics, you might even become a cat person yourself!

Cody has a huge following on Instagram, with over 103,000 fans eagerly waiting for his next post. So why not give his comics a look? They’re sure to brighten up your day!

Credit: WeFlaps Comics

More info: Instagram
































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