
“Pizza Cake Comics” depict relatable daily struggles in 25 comics

Hey there! Life can be tough sometimes, but luckily there are comics out there that help us find humor in our daily struggles. These talented comic creators have a knack for depicting relatable situations and fostering a sense of community through their art.

One of these amazing creators is “Ellen,” who goes by the name of “Pizza Cake Comics.” Ellen started creating comics back in 2015 as a way to express her creativity and bring some laughter into her life. Her comics quickly became a hit thanks to their relatable and uplifting themes, adorable illustrations, and witty humor. Today, she has an impressive following of 26,400 fans on Instagram.

What sets Ellen’s work apart is her ability to create comics that hit home for so many people. Her comics cover topics such as love, friendship, family, and mental health, and they always manage to capture the essence of the situation. It’s no wonder her fans love to tag their friends in the comments and say, “This is so us!”

Ellen’s Instagram account is a treasure trove of amazing comics, from short one-panel jokes to longer story arcs and even animated comics. She also shares illustrations and sketches, giving fans a behind-the-scenes look at her creative process. Be sure to check out her recent collection of 20 illustrations in the next section – they’re sure to brighten up your day!

Credit: Pizza Cake Comics

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