
God’s Solutions to Daily Problems: 25 Comics from ‘Goofy Gods Comics’

Hey there! Throughout history, people have turned to different gods to explain the world around them. You may have heard of Greek, Roman, Indian, Egyptian, Christian, Islamic, and other gods that have been written about and celebrated in different cultures. Even today, these gods continue to inspire modern artists.

But have you ever wondered what the gods might be like if they were a little less serious and a lot more silly? That’s where “Goofy Gods Comics” comes in! Created by artist “Byot Art” and their friend, this comic series takes a funny approach to the daily struggles that gods might face. And they don’t just focus on one religion or mythology – they include everyone from Jesus to the twelve Olympians to the Lord of Light from Game of Thrones.

Twice a week, they add new content to their series, which has already gained a huge following of 413k people on Instagram. The characters are adorable and entertaining, like the god of the dead who usually appears as a gloomy figure with a terrifying three-headed dog, but has a much more endearing personality in these comics. Each story has interesting settings, well-developed characters, and unexpected plot twists.

If you’re interested in checking out their best comics, just scroll down to the section below. Trust us, you won’t be disappointed!

Credit: Goofy Gods Comics

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