
20 Ridiculously Funny Comics by Safely Endangered, Filled with Puns and Surprises

Have you heard of Safely Endangered? It’s a super popular Instagram account that’s known for its hilarious and relatable comics! Chris McCoy, a talented illustrator and comic artist from Britain, is the mastermind behind the account. He’s got over 1.6 million followers on Instagram alone – that’s pretty impressive!

One of the things that makes Safely Endangered’s comics so great is how they reflect everyday situations that we all go through. You know, stuff like awkward social interactions, procrastination, and dealing with modern-day technology. Chris has a special talent for taking these ordinary situations and turning them into something totally unexpected and funny. That’s why his comics stand out so much online! They’re super easy to understand and you don’t need a lot of context to appreciate them.

What’s really cool is that the characters in his comics are so relatable! They make it easy for you to see yourself in the situations they find themselves in. Even though the comics don’t have a lot of dialogue, Chris uses visual humor to get his point across. His drawings are simple yet expressive, and the way he uses color is amazing. You’ll find yourself really invested in the characters and their stories because they’re just so darn endearing!

If you want to check out some of his comics, keep scrolling down! You won’t be disappointed.

Credit: Safely Endangered

For more info: Instagram | Facebook | Website


























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