
20 Strange and Gritty Comics by Comicdux for Your Entertainment

Hey there! Have you heard of Comicdux? It’s a webcomic series owned by Andy, who’s gained a massive following on Instagram with 27,300 fans! His comics are super unique and unconventional, and he loves to push boundaries and challenge traditional norms. You’ll find his comics covering a wide range of topics – from the surreal and fantastical to the darker and more taboo aspects of human nature.

Now, just a heads up, some of his illustrations might seem a little strange, and some jokes might not be suitable for young audiences. But they’re certainly amusing and hilarious! His use of strong lines, vibrant colors, and an original sense of perspective give his works of art their distinctive look. And one thing’s for sure – his comics serve as a reminder that even in the deepest recesses of our thoughts, there’s beauty to be found.

Andy’s comics are not only unconventional and adult-oriented, but they’re also incredibly well-crafted and thought-provoking. His illustrations are so intricate and detailed, and his level of craftsmanship sets his work apart from other webcomic artists. Even though the subject matter of his comics can be dark and disturbing, Andy remains a relatable and down-to-earth artist. He’s known for engaging with his fans on social media and supporting other independent artists in the webcomic community.

If you’re curious about his best illustrations, check out the next section!

Credit: Comicdux (Duckchillin)

For more info: Instagram





















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