
25 Colorful and Relatable Comics by Cartoonist William Leitzman

Hey there, if you’re looking for something that’ll bring a smile to your face and make you feel happy, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve got an awesome artist to share with you who creates super colorful and relatable comics. His name is William Leitzman and he’s the creator of the amazing webcomic series called “Comics about life“.

William hails from the USA, but he currently lives and teaches in South Korea. His webcomic is all about connecting with others and making them realize that we all experience the same ups and downs in life. It’s a great way to feel less alone and more understood.

Believe it or not, William has been drawing comics since he was in elementary school! And get this – he’s been drawing one comic every single day since October 2013. He’s always had a passion for cartoon drawings and has dreamed of being a cartoonist like Bill Watterson. That’s why he tries to make art that’s creative and meaningful.

When we asked William where he gets his inspiration from, he said, “I get inspiration from my everyday problems or experiences and conversations with friends. Sometimes I suddenly have a thought that I write down to use later in my comics.” He’s also inspired by other talented artists, but he always puts his own unique spin on his comics, which has earned him a following of 23.7k true fans!

Without further ado, check out some of his amazing and relatable comics below!

Credit: Comics about life

More info: Instagram | Website


























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