
Marcel Wichmann’s Comic Creations: 20 Moments of Lighthearted Humor

Who doesn’t love a good laugh, right? Well, that’s exactly what comic creator Marcel Wichmann aims to deliver with his online comics. He hails from Berlin, Germany and has an Instagram account called “Uarrr” where he shares his comical creations with his loyal fans.

Marcel’s main goal is to bring joy to people’s lives through his art. He dreams of becoming an illustrator and started drawing comics as a hobby. But after a while, he realized that doing it professionally was a different ball game altogether. So he took a break from it for some time.

However, he eventually got back into it just for fun. Maybe that’s why he currently has only 6,932 followers on his Instagram account. But Marcel doesn’t mind. He says that drawing is still just a hobby for him and he’s happy with that.

Take a look at some of his hilarious illustrations in the following section and get ready to chuckle!

Credit: Uarrr

More info: Instagram





















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