
Surprising Skeleton Claw Comics: 30 Hilarious Twists

Hey there! Have you heard of “Skeleton Claw” on Instagram? It’s an account created by an awesome artist named Andy Aka who loves to create comics about all sorts of things, like guitars, spiders, vampires, jiu jitsu, skeletons, and even crushed dreams. He’s been passionate about art since he was young and has amassed an impressive following of 43.7k fans on his Instagram.

Andy gets most of his ideas for comics when he’s hanging out with friends, taking walks, or even just getting ready for bed. Once he has an idea, he turns it into a drawing and spends 2-3 hours making it into a comic to share with his fans.

The main theme of his comics is on the darker side, but it’s because he wants to tell the truth about certain things. For example, he made a comic using plastic cans to encourage his followers to use less plastic. He uses his comics as a way to spread awareness about important issues.

Want to see some of his amazing comics? Check them out in the next section!

Credit: Skeleton Claw

More info: Instagram | Facebook | Website































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