
Emotional Comics: 2 Fascinating Stories by Artist Jenny Jinya (20 Pics)

Jenny Jinya is a super-talented artist on Instagram who has a ton of followers – a whopping 747,000! People love her drawings because they’re so powerful and make us think about important issues like animal welfare and the environment.

One of her most famous comic book series is called “Good Boy.” It’s about a dog who dies and meets the Grim Reaper. This series became really popular because it touched people’s hearts all over the world and got them talking about how much we love our furry friends.

Jenny Jinya keeps making amazing drawings that make us think about important issues, especially about animals. She draws animals who are in tough situations, like struggling in polluted environments or trapped in plastic. Her art reminds us to be compassionate and caring in a world that can sometimes seem really cold and unfeeling.

Jenny Jinya’s drawings are really emotional and make us think about important things. She uses her platform to talk about animal welfare, climate change, and plastic pollution. Her art challenges us to think about our actions and how they affect all living things. Check out some of her best drawings below!

Credit: Jenny Jinya

For more info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

#1. Story about black cats

In this story by Jenny Jinya, she introduces a black cat who keeps getting rejected by people who come to adopt pets at the animal shelter. The cat feels really sad and alone because it thinks nobody will ever love it just because of the color of its fur.

But don’t worry, Jenny Jinya has more stories to share with you! She has a continuation of the “Black Cats” story and even a short Christmas tale. And don’t worry, the Christmas story won’t make you feel sad – in fact, there’s a little helper who works with the Reaper that you’ll get to meet.

Jenny Jinya’s stories always have some goodness in them, even when things seem tough. If you want to read the whole story, just keep scrolling!

#2. Happy Halloween.

Jenny Jinya tells really powerful stories that make us think about how we should treat animals with love and kindness.

In this story, we get to see a fun Halloween with a black cat and lots of other cool characters. If you want to find out what happens, just scroll down to the next section!

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