
Berkeley Mews’ 30 Witty Comics with a Twist of Darkness

Hey there, it’s really important to take some time out for yourself, especially when life gets super busy. It’s good for your body and your mind to have a break and relax a bit. And if you’re a fan of comics, this is the perfect way to enjoy your free time! Reading comics can turn your worries into joy and help you feel calm and relaxed. It’s like a little mental therapy session that everyone should try at least once a day.

One of the great things about comics is the element of surprise. Even if a joke is really well done, it’s even funnier when it catches you off guard. That’s exactly what “Ben Zaehringer,” the creator of “Berkeley Mews Comics,” does so well. His comics are hilarious, which is why he has over 190k followers on his Instagram account!

This artist has definitely made a name for himself in the comic world, and he has some great advice for anyone looking to succeed like he has. He says, “Do lots of comics and post them every day. People love daily updates.” He also believes that a good comic should make you physically react – whether it’s laughing, cringing, crying, or even throwing up! We’ve collected some of his illustrations below, so we hope you enjoy these awesome comics!

Credit: Berkeley Mews Comics

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