
Artist’s 30 Cute Comics Show Daily Struggles with Boyfriend

Hey there! I wanted to talk about this amazing comic book artist, Valérie Minelli, and her webcomic, Mrs. Frollein. Valérie is a 26-year-old Luxembourger who creates the most family-friendly comics that are sure to put a smile on your face.

Some people say that only happy people can make others happy, but I disagree. Valérie is a prime example of how even someone who may be feeling down or gloomy can spread joy through their art. She’s not only an illustrator for children’s books but also a student who loves making webcomics as a pastime. Her dream is to one day support herself solely through her comics and to uplift people with her work.

Mrs. Frollein’s comics are filled with themes that we can all relate to, such as the ups and downs of relationships and everyday personal struggles. Valérie draws inspiration from her own life and her connection with her lover, which makes her comics even more endearing.

When Valérie isn’t busy making comics, she enjoys drawing pictures for children’s books and listening to her favorite band. She may deny it, but it’s clear that making others smile is one of her top priorities. With roughly 482,000 followers on Instagram, it’s obvious that Valérie’s comics have touched many people’s hearts and put a smile on their faces.

Credit: Mrs Frollein

More info: Instagram | Website































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